Submission Narrative:​​​​​​​ S is for Speciesism—Letters to Humans, From PETA is a satirical adult alphabet book highlighting the normalization of animal cruelty in society. The book begins simply, with minimal text and black and white illustrations, and then slowly transgresses into increasingly twisted descriptions and illustrations. The result is an experiential progression commenting on the darkness of animal rights’ issues. The transition into profanity is slow to notice—the reader becomes a lobster in a pot, slowly beginning to boil. Each letter in the book has a double entendre meaning, which comments on the way people tend to deny the reality of animal cruelty in exchange for thoughts and actions that are more involved with their self-interest. This book was created with the intention to raise awareness of speciesism and how human behavior ignores animals’ suffering for our own benefit.

Front and back cover

Back Description: The ABCs of Speciesism — Letters to Humans from PETA presents a collection of ways speciesism is enacted for human benefit the expense of animals’ lives, living conditions, and freedom. Speciesism is the lack of adherence and equity humans give to other animals. Through these examples, PETA hopes to open your eyes to the injustice animals face globally. To put an end to speciesism, people must first recognize its detrimental effects. PETA encourages you to stand up against speciesism. Stop the abuse.
Letter to the reader, 

We have reached the close of The ABCs of Speciesism—Letters to Humans, from PETA. Through the messages in this book, we encourage a better, more equitable world for all species. A is for Animal—including us. We share this world with more than 2.13 million other species, and they should be just as free to it as us. 

Every animal is born with purpose except humans. Humans strive for purpose to make sense of our tiny lives within the entirety of the universes’ existence. Through this endeavor we destroy animals’ purpose in pursuit of our own through deforestation, emitting copious amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, killing animals to eat, among countless other ways. All animals deserve the dignities of life. The slow breaths before dreaming sweet, the bravery of having young to protect, basking in the sunshine after a storm. These experiences are rights of life. Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. 

Treat all animals as you would like to be treated.

Thank you for reading,
Pages A-Z 
Daily bacon consumption leads to an early death for both humans and pigs
Daily bacon consumption leads to an early death for both humans and pigs
Demand from the restaurant industry leads commercial fishing to waste sea creatures' lives at an abominable scale. Thousands die in a single fishing trip.
Demand from the restaurant industry leads commercial fishing to waste sea creatures' lives at an abominable scale. Thousands die in a single fishing trip.
Farmers crossbreed high egg-producing chickens, but this can lead to egg binding and death.
Farmers crossbreed high egg-producing chickens, but this can lead to egg binding and death.
Many Factory Farm raised animals undergo serious abuse such as crowding in cages so small they can't turn or lie down for comfort. They are forced to live in their own excrement, and many are never exposed to direct sunlight or grass. Then they are slaughtered and eaten.
Many Factory Farm raised animals undergo serious abuse such as crowding in cages so small they can't turn or lie down for comfort. They are forced to live in their own excrement, and many are never exposed to direct sunlight or grass. Then they are slaughtered and eaten.
Meat consumption is the number one cause of deforestation.
Meat consumption is the number one cause of deforestation.
Circus trainers beat animals into performing tricks. But the abuse doesn't end with the show; animals are crammed into filthy trailers and forced to travel for performances until they die. Humans' entertainment should not come at the expense of animals' torture.
Circus trainers beat animals into performing tricks. But the abuse doesn't end with the show; animals are crammed into filthy trailers and forced to travel for performances until they die. Humans' entertainment should not come at the expense of animals' torture.
Petting zoos are stressful environments for animals. The animals are often uncared for— in need of rest, proper shelter, and vet care.
Petting zoos are stressful environments for animals. The animals are often uncared for— in need of rest, proper shelter, and vet care.
Dogs should only birth four to six litters in their lifetimes. On average, puppy mills breed dogs to produce triple that amount until their deaths.
Dogs should only birth four to six litters in their lifetimes. On average, puppy mills breed dogs to produce triple that amount until their deaths.
Declawing is a crippling procedure that involves dismembering a cat's toes at the first knuckle. Imagine if your fingertips were sliced off.
Declawing is a crippling procedure that involves dismembering a cat's toes at the first knuckle. Imagine if your fingertips were sliced off.
Since 1963, more than 500,000,000 gallons of oil have been spilled and dumped in the United States' surrounding oceans.
Since 1963, more than 500,000,000 gallons of oil have been spilled and dumped in the United States' surrounding oceans.
Goldfish used as carnival prizes are typically thrown in the trash after they're won.
Goldfish used as carnival prizes are typically thrown in the trash after they're won.
Once racehorses are too injured to continue racing, they are killed on site or sent to slaughter.
Once racehorses are too injured to continue racing, they are killed on site or sent to slaughter.
Bigotry begins when categories such as race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or species are used to justify discrimination. A natural balance once existed between all beings, but humans have tipped the scale. Life is not meant to be a hierarchy of exploitation. If you take anything from this, remember that no life is more worthy than another.
Bigotry begins when categories such as race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or species are used to justify discrimination. A natural balance once existed between all beings, but humans have tipped the scale. Life is not meant to be a hierarchy of exploitation. If you take anything from this, remember that no life is more worthy than another.
Trophy hunters kill endangered animals for bragging rights, targeting Earth's largest animals. When these beasts are put to death, their genes are lost to the future of their species.
Trophy hunters kill endangered animals for bragging rights, targeting Earth's largest animals. When these beasts are put to death, their genes are lost to the future of their species.
Humans are the most threatening vermin of all
Humans are the most threatening vermin of all
The global standard practice for wool harvesting causes sheep extreme agony— their tails burned off, ears pierced, and hamstrings often slashed.
The global standard practice for wool harvesting causes sheep extreme agony— their tails burned off, ears pierced, and hamstrings often slashed.
Xylene is a toxic solvent used in producing leather. Leather production sends more than a billion cows to slaughter every year.
Xylene is a toxic solvent used in producing leather. Leather production sends more than a billion cows to slaughter every year.

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